Volunteer Needs

We Need YOU!

As scouts age out of the Cub Scout program and move to Scouts BSA, many adult leaders and parents move with them. This often leaves us needing new Den Leaders for the incoming Tiger Den, as well as other committee or pack leadership positions. To ensure smooth operation, our pack bylaws require each family to serve in a committee role, as a Den/Pack Leader, or on a planning committee for one of our programs.

What if my work schedule prohibits me from helping?

Our leadership team includes individuals with diverse schedules, from weekend workers to frequent travelers and those on-call. No matter your availability, we can find a role for you within our pack. Many of us face similar scheduling challenges, so you're not alone!

Where can I help?

Our needs evolve as our pack grows. A great place to start is the Leadership page, where you can find open or TBD positions. If you’re a parent of an incoming first grader, consider becoming a Den Leader or Assistant Den Leader. As a Den Leader, you even get to choose the day, time, and location of your Den Meetings—how convenient!

Think about your skills:

  • Good with numbers? Treasurer might be perfect for you.
  • Energetic in front of a crowd? Consider being the Emcee for the Pinewood Derby.
  • Prefer working behind the scenes? Join the committee to plan the Blue and Gold Banquet.

Also, consider joining the committee as a member-at-large. Attend our monthly meetings to help plan upcoming events. Together, we can "do our best" to ensure our scouts "be prepared" as they transition from Cub Scouts to Scouts BSA.