




Explanation for the parents

Your Tiger Cub will be a member of a den. Most dens have five to nine boy-adult partner teams, meet twice a month in a den meeting, and have one outing a month, called a Go See It. The den also takes part in the monthly Pack meetings. During den meetings, Go See It outings, and Pack meetings, boys learn new things and have fun.

Each den meeting and den activity is led by a den leader and an adult partner of one of the Tiger Cubs. An adult partner can be a parent, relative, or friend who is at least 18 years old and who cares about the boy. Each adult partner takes a turn working with the den leader to plan and lead a den meeting and/or activity. (You'll read more about this shared leadership later.)

Your Tiger Cub is also a member of a Cub Scout Pack. Most Packs are made up of several dens that gather monthly at a Pack meeting. Pack meetings usually follow a suggested theme and are a time for boys to be recognized for their accomplishments during the month, to perform skits and songs they have learned in den meetings, and to have fun with the entire family. For more information on Pack meetings go back to the main page and click on the Pack number at the top of the page.

Packs are led by a Cub master and Pack committee. Like the den leaders, the Cub master and assistants are volunteer leaders and are usually family members of boys in the Pack. The Pack committee makes plans for Pack meetings and activities and takes care of the "business" items that are necessary for a Pack to operate smoothly. 
Most Pack committees consist of family members and members of the Pack's chartered organization. The chartered organization is the community organization that is granted a charter by the Boy Scouts of America to use the Scouting program. This chartered organization might be a school, service club, religious group, or other group interested in youth. The chartered organization approves the leadership of the Pack, provides a meeting place, and operates the Pack within the guidelines and policies of that organization and the BSA.

The Tiger Cub Badge

The Tiger Cub badge is for boys who have completed all 15 parts of the five achievements, that is, five family activities, five den activities, and five Go See It outings. During an impressive ceremony, the Tiger Cub badge is presented to the adult partner at a Pack meeting, who in turn presents the badge to the boy. The badge is affixed to the Tiger Cub belt totem in the recessed area.

While your boy is working on advancement, you can help. Besides signing his handbook as Akela once he has done his best, let your den leader know of any completed parts of achievements at your next den meeting. The den leader will keep a record of your boy's individual progress on the Tiger Cub Den Advancement Chart. In addition,your boy, with your help, will keep track of his own advancement on the Tiger Trail chart found on page 152 of his handbook. This encourages him and helps him see his progress toward the Tiger Cub rank.

The advancement requirements are written in such a way as to give you room to customize activities for your boy and your den. There are no performance requirements for Tiger Cubs. Boys should never be "tested" or placed in a position where they will not be successful. Simply participating in the activities and doing his best constitutes completion.

The den activities and 'Go See It' outings are intended to be completed with the den. If a Tiger Cub is unable to participate in an activity because of illness or a conflict, however, you may work with him to complete these requirements. For your boy to receive the full benefit of the program, it is important for you, his adult partner, to make every effort to attend meetings regularly.

What Is Shared Leadership

The success of a Tiger Cub den depends on active, enthusiastic families and a knowledgeable, well-trained den leader. The den leader plans and carries out a year - round program of activities for the Tiger Cub den and gives continuity to the program. Each month, however, the den leader also works with a different boy-adult partner team to plan the two monthly den meetings, the Go See It, and the den's part in the Pack meeting. (Some teams may serve more than one month, depending on how big the den is.) This is called shared leadership.

Shared leadership is a key part of Tiger Cubs because the direct involvement of you and other adults is important for boys at this age. Shared leadership also gives each boy and adult partner a chance to lead, often resulting in an interesting variety of activities as each boy - adult partner team shares its knowledge and resources. The Tiger Cub den leader is a registered volunteer position within the BSA. Each Tiger Den MUST include a person in this role. The responsibilities of the Tiger Cub den leader can be summarized as:

  1. Work directly with other den and Pack leaders to ensure that their den is an active and successful part of the Pack.
  2. Coordinate shared leadership among the Tiger Cub adult partners, ensuring that den meetings and outings are planned, prepared for, and con-ducted by all adult partners on a rotating basis, and that the den activities provide advancement opportunities for the boys in the den.
  3. Attend Pack leaders' meetings.
  4. Lead the den at the monthly meeting and Pack activities.
  5. Ensure the transition of boys in the Tiger Cub den into a Wolf den at the end of the year. See the Cub Scout Leader Book for additional information concerning the responsibilities of this position.

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